Sunday, August 28, 2011

Is Competition Worth it?

I ask myself this question every year after a show is over and the judges have told me the same thing. "You have to get bigger".  I differ with that repertoire only because I personally feel women need to look like women in bodybuilding. If not then an audience is looking at an androgenous enhanced female with hardened features. Is that aeshetically appealing? 

When I first started in bodybuilding twenty years ago, women did not look like they do on stage today. The look was feminine and sculpted not massive, ripped and shredded. So, where is bodybuilding going with women and where does this leave competitors who do not want to leave the feminine side of bodybuilding. The good news is NPC introduced the Physique Division this year into the USA Championships. Yes, physique is suppose to be a softer version of bodybuilding. Yet, the USA Physique Division winner did not look like a scaled down version of a bodybuilder. She looked like a bodybuilder who crossed over and didn't drop enough muscle. Therefore, it looks like NPC is still going for the size in physique as well. It will be interesting to see the division outcome when it comes to the state level in 2012.

Again I ask is it worth it to compete? Yes, because one can lean down in preparation for more muscle development through training. A lean body takes back the weight in muscle development through training, it is the ongoing sculpting that takes time to achieve in development. This concept is the most important in bodybuilding as it gives the competitor their own signature look.

Two pictures I put into this blog, the LA Class 2011 and the USA 1992. The old body tan  made us look light golden under the stage lights in 1992. 
Happy Training.

LA Classic 2011

USA 1992

Friday, August 19, 2011

High Intensity Legs/Glutes/ Hamstrings

Today the intensity was heightened for legs with pyramids, high reps, and super sets. We had five competitors so for maximum performance we broke off into groups of two and three.

Group of 4 super sets:  tempo here was go go go go, rest 30 sec go go go go rest 30 sec. till all 4 sets were completed with each one pyramided to the competitors strength.

Sitting knee extensions x 25 x 4 sets pyramid up
Sitting knee extensions focus on tear drops x 25x 4 sets pyramid up
Lying hamstring curls x 25 x 4 sets pyramid up
Standing glute kick backs x 25 x 4 sets pyramid up
Total 400 reps

Group of two super sets pyramided up in weight. Tempo was go go rest 30 sec go go rest 30 sec.

Incline leg press x 10 x 5 pyramided up ending with 4 plates each side.
Seated leg press x 10 x 5 the whole stack 350 through all 4 sets.
Total reps 100

Ultimate squats:  no super sets, pyramided, deep to the floor.

Free weight squats 15 x 4 sets  #95, #115, #135 reps counted if butt hit marker off floor.

Since we had groups of two and three I didn't have the other three competitors routine to blog.

A great conditioning training session  my legs were numb when I left but felt so good. Always, I down my amino acids then a protein drink after training.

Happy Training!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Training Goals 2012

Competitive bodybuilding is a challenge, that I love and endure to keep my shape along with physical and mental health. When the show is over and life slows, I meet with my trainer to review pictures, and look at what needs to be improved with nutrition and training for the following year. It is a process of building and shaping the body with science till the final stage day when I am able to express the artistic poses.

I've been training and competing in competitive bodybuilding for 20 years. My first shows were with NANBA, then I continued to compete in NPC shows. Lately, women's bodybuilding is changing across the spectrum; the judges look for the growth and development along with symmetry and presentation, but I see more competitors coming in that are not dieted.  The irony is getting beat by girls who are bigger and not well dieted. I am quite happy with my size as my goal is not to obtain a pro card. I do quite a bit of fashion modeling involving photography for newspaper ads, catalogs and general media. I am a business owner working as a family nurse practitioner, in all I have a big plate with little corners.

Looking at 2012, Craig and I have decided to continue training for bodybuilding with improvement in width of lats and a little more of a outer sweep to the quads.  Also, the focus will be on the upper part of my glutes for more devlopment. It took a long time to build the lower glute now the upper needs more rounding. Upcoming shows I am looking to repeat the LA Classic in July 2012. Overall, we win when we accomplish our goals in developing the body.
Happy Training Days

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Leg Day in Hell

May 13, 2011

I think the title says it all. The hour was set for high intensity legs no air conditioning. The downside is contest prep is always more intense than winter training. I am 10 weeks out of LA Classic Bodybuilding, Fitness, and Figure Show. I will be competing in Women's Division Heavy Weight Bodybuilding. This year NPC has changed some divisions adding bikini and physique so my plans are to compete in physique after this year.

In these exercises super sets mean one exercise then go to next exercise for sets of 4 and high intensity is just that no rest till trainer decides to call it.

Warm up leg extensions super set with leg curls x 4.

Leg extensions 40#, 60#, 80#, 100# x 10 reps

Leg curls 40#, 60#, 80#, 100# x 10 reps

High wide stance leg press super set with front squats

Leg press 2 plates 15 x 4 sets

Front squats using the Smith machine with 2 -25# plates 15 x 3 sets (feet forward approx 12" and knees stay closed) Sitting to chair height.

Regular squat with wide stance legs forward sitting as low as possible 2- 25# plates 10 x 2 sets

2 min rest rest water

Leg curls super set with glute kickbacks

Leg curls 40#, 60#, 80#, 100# 4 sets of 10

Glute kickbacks 90#, 120#, 140# 160# 4 sets of 10

Leg extensions super set with seated hamstring curls

Leg extensions 80#, 100# 100# 100# 4 sets of 10

Seated hamstring curls 70#, 90#, 120#, 140# 4 sets of 10

The air conditioning was off to make me work harder and fatigue out the muscles. A very wicked sick session with only one rest period during the hour.

Note: These high intensity sessions are not to be done without a trainer or someone with an advanced training background.

Happy Training Days

A Beast Leg Day

April 10, 2010

Sunday was an unusual training day since we had Valerie in from out of town, the trainer decided to hit legs and turn up the intensity.

To start we went out and lunged the parking lot up and back x 1 approximately 100 feet.

Circuit 1

Seated Leg Extensions 40x15, 60x15, 80x15,100x15,120x10

Seated Calves 45# x 15 x 5

Anterior Tibialis 5# x 15 x 5

Circuit 2

Seated Leg Press 45# each side, each set added another 45# plate till a total of 4 plates. Feet kept together and low on sled. Sled lowered keeping knees together to bottom. 4 sets of 10 pause at bottom and press up.

Abd on reverse abd bench 4 sets of 15

Seated Calves 45# 4 sets of 15

Circuit 3

Front squats using the Smith machine. Feet and knees together placed approximately 1 1/2 feet forward from body. 25# each side to start x 10, 2 more 25# plates added x 2 sets x 10 each with last set 25# fast 25 reps. All sets except for last set was pause at bottom and press up. Total 4 sets.

Triceps 70# x 15 x 4sets.

Assisted pullups last exercise weight depended upon individual. First 3 sets x 15, 4th set x 10.

This leg routine left all of us exhausted, dizzy and nauseated. Valerie flew home probably wondering what she got herself into with this competitive Physiques Gym. You can find us on Facebook under Physiques Gym.

Happy Training Days!

Popeye Shoulders, Horse Hoof Shaped Calves

March 15, 2011

I find that female bodybuilders like to train other bodybuilders harder than the trainers. Why are we like that? I ask myself that question. I know that when I train a competitor I will make it very hard because that is the way I like to be trained. Last night, Tasha the light weight bodybuilder trained me on shoulders and calves. What an experience and a pounding, one to remember today. She put everything into the hour and I gave back everything I had to give. A hour of small circuits numbered by 3's with rest at end of circuit for 2 min.


Calves circuit x 3

1) Seated Calf Raise 2 plates (45) each side x 100 spikes

Seated Calf Raise (2)25# = 140# x 10 spikes ---- (1) 25# off with 10 spikes-- last #25 off with 10 spikes ----2 plates (45#) with 15 spikes

2) Seated Calf Raise (1) 25# & (2) plates (45) x 5 spikes ---- (2) 25# plates with (2) 45# plates x 5 spikes.

Seated leg press calves 150# toes at bottom of sled x 15 straight, x 15 pigeon, x 15 ducks.

Anterior tibialis toe flips 10# each side. Toes pigon with fist between legs at top x 25.

3) Seated calf raise (2) 45# plates + (2) 25# plates = 140 x 10 spikes.

Seated leg press 150# straight x 15, pigeon x 15, ducks x 15.

Anterior tibialis toe flips 10# each side pigeon toes with fist in between legs x 25

Am I done yet? Calves are exploding!!!



10# db Side laterals x 10, front deltoid raises x 10, rear delts x 10 total of 30 reps---repeat with 15# db x 8 reps = 24 reps.

Reverse order #15 x 8 reps total 24 reps again sides, fronts, rears--- 10# x 10 reps = 30 reps total sides, fronts, rears.

Shoulder Circuits (3) with 2 minute rest between circuits.

1. Seated shoulder press #15 db up postion, right side down then left side down, then both down x 10 reps ( one rep = up, right, left, both) Repeat with 10# x 10 reps

Single cable front delt raises 5# brick x 10 each shoulder.

Rope pull bent over with rope through legs 70 x 15. Pulling rope between legs out to front bent over back arched.

2. Seated shoulder press 15# db x 8 reps same as above (up, right,left both) then 10#db x 10 reps same sequence

Single cable front delt raises 5# brick x 10 each shoulder.

Cable rope pull bent over between legs for front delts back arched 80# x 15.

3. Seated shoulder press 15# x 5 reps ( same sequence up, right, left both), then 10# db x 8 same sequence then 5#db x 10 same sequence.

Single arm cable raises front delts 5# x 10

Cable rope pull bent over between legs for front delts back arched 90 x 15.

Rear Delts

1. Seated rear delts 20# db x 10 reps, 15# x 10 reps.

Cable rope pull behind neck this one facing cable and bent over back arched grab rope with palms facing each other pull rope behind neck opening just slightly and elbows are out when pulling to back of neck. 80# x 10. You should feel this in the rear delts.

Standing shoulder bb press slow x 10 reps this really burns bad.

2) Seated rear delts db 25# x 10, 20# x 10, 15# x 10 reps

Cable rope pull behind neck as above 90# x 15

Standing shoulder bb press slow x 10 reps

3) Seated rear delts 30# x 10, 25#x 10, 20# x 10 15#x 10 reps.

Cable rope pull behind neck as above 100# x 15

Standing shoulder bb press slow x 10 reps.

At the end of this session, I had popeye shoulders and horse hoof calves and I felt really depleted. It is good to switch off between trainers in the gym as it hits the muscle with different intensity and focus.

Thanks Natasha Natural Pro Bodybuilder Light Weight. You killed me!

Happy Training Days.

A Wicked Leg Session

March 9, 2011

Since, I suffered a rotator injury six weeks ago; I had to back off the heavy weight. Now, the injury is healed and it is time to get it! I started back into compound moves this week after a few weeks of conditioning and preparing ligaments and joints to handle the heavy weight. Squats are butt to heels with toes in and standing in a wide stance (just past shoulders) targeting glutes and quads.

Warm up leg extensions

40x10, 60x 10, 70x 10, 80x10

Squats warm up

Bar only x 10 x 2 sets

95 x 10, 135 x 10, 145 x 10 155 x 8, 165 x 6, 175 x 6, 185 x 5 x 2 sets (breaking point), 165 x 8, 155 x8, 135 x 8, 3 min. rest. 95 x 10 2 second pause at bottom then up. 85 x 10 2 second pause at botom then up. That was the last breaking point!!

Pullups close grip 5 x 4.

Leg extensions

60 x 10, 80 x 10, 100 x 10, 80# half extensions flex all way up then down half way till bar hits trainer's hands then up x 10. Immediately do 10 full range of motion x 2 sets. Last set 60# half extensions x 10 and 8 full range of motion .


Reverse bar 65 x 15 superset with hammers 60x15 x 3 sets.

Anyone who performs this squat routine must have a trainer or excellent spotter because when glutes get tired you start to lose form and the risk of injury is high. I am happy to be back on compound moves for next four weeks before precontest prep starts. The compound moves helps to keep muscles looking hard and full. Also this type of training causes muscle micro-tears with growth.

This is a tough leg routine so only do the weight that is right for your body. The trainer had a girl work in with me who is not a competitor and fairly new to this gym. She did remarkably well just using the bar on squats and a dime on each side. Hands up to Heather \0/\0/\0/. Poor girl was flat out on floor after squats.

Happy Training Days Let's Get It!

Group Training: Glutes, Hamstrings, calves, Abds.

March 6, 2011

Up at 0400 on a Sunday is out of the ordinary for most people but not for us die-hard competitors. We thrive on hard training and competition. This weekend was special as we had an out of town guest @Chocolate_wowo (Twitter) that was interested in competing. She traveled to Phoenix to train two days with us intensely. Here is Sunday's mini training circuits all rotating:


Calves 50 x 50 , 100x 15, 150x 15

Anterior tibialis 10 x 15, 10x15, 10x15

Standing db calves: 60x15, 100x15, 100x15.


Partial dead lifts- pin last hole on rack

135x 8, 185x8, 235x6, 285x5(assisted)

Abds reverse 4 sets of 15

Pullups assisted #85 close grip x 4 sets of 15


Lying hamstring curls 4 sets of 10 90#-120#

Glute kickbacks 4 sets of 10 #100-#180

Stiff Legs 4 sets of 10 #60


Sitting glute curls 4 sets of 10 90#-#120 (last set assisted)

Seated abductors 4 sets of 15 90# -120#

Hamstring stretches with band pulling back as far as possible then squats with buttocks pushed up and out feeling the stretch through hamstrings.

4 sets of 10

This session lasted over one hour with all five of us. If we had longer, I think we would have lunged the parking lot. I have to give @Chocolate_wowo hands up as this was a difficult training sesson. Now, she has new training techniques to take home and work on till we see her back again.

Happy Training Days

Shoulders Isolation Moves

February 19, 2011

A goal in bodybuilding is to give the appearance of shoulder caps with separation in anterior, lateral and rear deltoids. Isolation moves are fine tuning exercises that develop these three muscles. It doesn't take much weight to isolate and fatigue them in a short amount of time. This blog focuses on isolation movements with a compound move incorporated at end to finish exhausting the three deltoid muscles. It is important that all exercises be performed with buttocks pushed to the back of seat to keep upper pecs out of the movements; this position helps to isolate the deltoid muscles. In these exercises, I will put in my weight used; however, my partner, a guy (not a bodybuilder) used a little more weight in isolation exercises and much more weight in the last compound movement. The intensity is maintained with nonstop partner switching till end.

Warm up set:

4 sets of standing lateral raises 5#, 10#, (15# x2)

4 sets of standing front delt raises 5#, 10#, (15# x2)

Seated side laterals (10 reps)

4 sets db lateral raises with elbows slightly bent and arms slightly forward. 10#, (15#x 3)

Seated front delts (10 reps)

4 sets db raises to the front with db in 45 degree angle at top 10# (15#x 3)

Standing barbell wide grip bent elbow shoulder raises. (10 reps) isolates the laterals and rear delts. Should see the laterals pop up in mirror.

4 sets barbell 65#, (75#x 3)

Seated shoulder press close to bar (10 reps) with last two sets drop sets plates pulled off each side till failure. This is press pause at bottom technique using the smith machine.

4 sets 45#, (50# x 3) last two sets plates removed to bar only till failure. Failure is inability to lift the bar from rack position.

This workout doesn't look like much but it definitely gave shoulder fatigue in the end. Shoulders are small muscles in relative comparison to other body muscle groups. The intensity has to be there with no stopping between sets changing off with partner to achieve full effect of muscle hypertrophy failure. This routine fills the shoulders full of blood and when flexed the three muscle groups separate. Some of these exercises are a little difficult to picture as they are modified from a basic exercise.

Always, I will answer questions and I wish all of you happy training days!

Teardrop/Quad Training Part 2

January 8, 2011

In review, teardrops are the muscles that connect medially into the knee and extend diagonally connecting the vastus quadricep group. The outer sweep vastus lateralis mucle group gives the width in quads with separation. These two muscle groups are the hardest to develop and very challenging due to positioning of the legs with squats and leg press.

In this blog, the exercises performed are very intense with short rest periods and positioning legs and feet to target the specific groups. I don't recommend this for someone who is new to the sport without a trainer as the injury risk is high if performed incorrectly.

Calves: 45# plate seated single leg 100 each

Warm up knees: knee extension machine 30# set of 50

Hack Squats (reverse) with toes pointed forward and close to machine on sides of cage. Body is positioned in reverse of the machine so face touches the pad above hand rests. The squat is as low as you can go which will be about parallel due to cage stopping at bottom but you should feel it in the teardrops. This squat is very taxing because the teardrops are the only muscle group working.

4 sets Rest 1 minute between sets.

warm up with no weight x 12

45# both sides x 12

45# (2) on right and 1 on left x 12

45# (2) on right and #45 on left with #25 plate x 12

Immediately turn around in the hack squat/seated leg press machine and sit with feet very low on sled straight or if there are two inward side bars connecting the sled put toes on sled and feet on bars this works the teardrops.

Drop sets.

45# right and 45# (2) on left x 15 hold at top

45# right and 45# left x 12 hold at top

45# right x 10 hold at top

no weight x 8 hold at top

2 minute rest

Seated squat with feet close together and low. This targets the outer sweep the way feet are positioned.

Rest 1 minute between sets

170 x 8

180 x 8

190 x 8

200 x8

Large ball wall squat-narrow stance squat to just below parallel position x 15 and stop in squat position holding 1 leg up for count of 10, then holding the opposite leg up for count of 10 with body pushing into ball. Repeat x 4 with 30 second rest period between sets. This targets the teardrops.

Leg extensions with back in low postion and rested on large ball. Feet apart and turned slightly outward. 4 sets with 1 minute rest period between sets. The positioning with back rested on ball makes it harder due to the angle so not much weight is used. This isolates the teardrops.

55# x 15

60# x 15

65# x 15

70# x 15

Backward squats on smith machine feet together in front about a foot out from bar squatting to parallel position x 12. The positioning on this squat targets outer sweeps in thighs.

1 minute rest between sets.

25# plate each side

25# (2) each side

25# (3) each side

25# (4) each side

Wrist curls 4 sets x 15 20# db on bench.

This was one of the most difficult leg workouts I have done due to short rest periods and positioning of legs feet which targeted only specific muscle groups teardrops and outer sweeps. Needless, to say I shook for an hour afterward and felt like I had been run over with a truck on the legs very difficult to walk after this routine. Actually, there wasn't that much weight involved but the intensity was beyond all limits.

Happy taining days!

Shoulder/Bicep Blast

January 7, 2011

This morning my training took another twist with power moves superset with isolation exercises and no rest period until the 4th set was completed. I think all of you experienced in bodybuilding and fitness know what superset means. A superset exercise is done immediately after the last exercise and is performed in alternating sets with the first exercise till four sets of each are completed. I find that training early in the morning is easier for me than trying to train at night.

Calves: seated calf raises single leg 100 each leg in increments of 25-30. 2 second hold at top

Warm up sets for shoulders: No rest

10# front delts x 10, side laterals x 10, rear delts x 10

15# front delts x 10, side laterals x 10, rear delts x 10

20# front delts x 10, side laterals x 10, rear delts x 10

Rest x 1 minute

Power shoulders supersetted with barbell curls x 4 sets no rest between exercises

Single shoulder press with barbell in corner groove 45# x 10

Bicep curls-- 45# bar no weight x 10.

Single shoulder press 55# x 10.

Barbell curls 55# x 10.

Single shoulder press 60# x 10.

Barbell curls 60# x 10.

Single shoulder press 65# x 10.

Barbell curls 65# x 10.

Single shoulder press 70#x 10.

Barbell curls 70# x 10.

Rest x 2 minute

Seated rear delts superset with seated bicep curls

Rear delts 25# x 10.

Bicep curls 20# x 10 alternating arms.

Rear delts 30# x 10.

Bicep curls 25# x 10 alternating arms.

Rear delts 35# x 10.

Bicep curls 25#x 10 alternating arms.

Rear delts 35# x 10.

Bicep curls 25 x 10 alternating arms.

Rest 2 min

Bent over rear delts raises locked in on rack supersetted with hammer curls

Rear delts 25# x 10.

Hammer curls 25# x 10 together.

Rear delts 30# x 10.

Hammer curls 30# x 10 together.

Rear delts 35# x 10.

Hammer curls 35# x10 together.

Rear delts 40# x 10.

Hammer curls 35# x 10 together.

2 minute rest

Seated dumbell forearm curls x 4 sets

15# x 15

20# x 15

20# x 15

20# x 15

Abds 200

This was an explosive routine that was done in 55 minutes total and left me wiped with shoulders, biceps and traps blown-- took me 30 minutes to get my arms to work good enough to drive.

Happy training days!

Targeted Glutes and Hamstrings Training

December 23, 2010

Holiday training is not difficult for me as I am a very determined bodybuilder to take home more titles and I like the fashion photo shoots I obtain for dress and sportswear. This lifestyle is work that I love to do more so than my family nurse practitioner role in private practice.

This training session focused heavily on glutes and hamstrings.

Calves seated 45# plate/25#plate each side.

2 sets of 100 squeezing single leg at a time up to 25 reps till 100 reached then switch legs.

warm up knees- knee extension machine 30# 4 sets 30 reps.

Dead lifts:

135 x 10

155 x 10

175 x 8

195 x 8

Immediately after dead lifts

hamstring curls superset with glute kickbacks

60 x 10 curls

90 x 10 glute kickbacks

70 x 10 curls

100 x 10 glute kickbacks

80 x 10 curls

120 x 10 glute kickbacks

90 x 10 curls

120 x 10 glute kickbacks immediately into

Seated hamstring curl machine superset with seated abductor machine

90 x 10 curls

90 x 15 abductors

100x 10 curls

100 x 15 abductors

110 x 10 curls

110 x 15 abductors

120 x 10 curls

120 x 15 abductors

We are done for the Holiday. A few of us here at the gym planned a ski trip at Snowbowl over weekend.

Happy Training Days

Targeting Leg Teardrops and Outer Sweeps in Quads

December 7, 2010

Monday night's session targeted lower leg teardrops and outer sweeps. The teardrop muscle extends to the medial side of the knee and attaches into the vastus muscle. The vastus lateralis is the outer thigh and when developed gives the outer sweep that shapes the legs to a sculptured look.


45# plate each side of seated calf machine

100 x 1 set both calves.

leg extensions warm up knees

40# x 15 x 3 sets.

7 sets of leg presses with feet placed on lower cross bar and knees kept together starting out at no weight but carriage of leg press. All sets are carried out deeply with carriage lowered to bottom of rack. 1 minute rest period between sets.

no weight 10 reps x 1

45# plate right side 10 reps x 1

45# plates on each side 10 reps x 1

2-45# on right and 1 45# plate on left side 10 reps x 1

2-45# plates on each side 10 reps x 1

3-45# plates on right side and 2 45# plates on left side 10 reps x 1,

3-45# plates on right side and 3-45# plates on left side 10 reps x 1

Immediately, I jumped on leg extension machine with 1 minute rest periods between sets.

75# x 10 x 1

80# x 10 x 1

85# x 10 x 1

90# x 6 own and 4 assist x 1

Squats free deep below parallel 3 minute rest period

155 x 10 x 1

165 x 10 x 1

175 x 8 x 1

After this intense workout it got me dizzy and nauseated. Chris decided to start rapid cooling submersion post intense workout for 5- 10 minutes. I listened to him and sat in cold half ice water to hips for 10 minutes. I must say within 5 minutes my pain was gone in the legs and nausea was starting to go away. After 10 minutes, I didn't have any anymore swelling in the legs or pain and the nausea was gone. I waited for one hour to allow natural rewarming in the legs then showered in warm water. Amazing results and today no post lactic acid residual pain and stiffness.

Intense exercise causes torn muscle fibers within the muscle groups worked. In the damaged tissue there is active by-products being produced through the Krebs Cycle. The by-products including lactic acid can cause nausea, fatigue, swelling and pain in the damaged muscle groups. Cold water submersion causes vasconstriction in the damaged tissue slowing down blood flow and metabolism then rewarming allows a vasodilation with flushing of the toxins out of the damaged tissue. Studies have reported decreased pain, fatigue, along with better recovery.

Please check my online references to the studies documented.

Studies: Cold Water Submersion Athletic Recovery.

Studies: Does an Ice Water Bath Speed Recovery.

Happy Training Days!

Growth and Development in Lats, Rhomboids,Forearms, Glutes, Hamstrings

December 5, 2010

Over the last few weeks, I have transitioned into compound moves away from the high intensity training (HIIT) that I had been doing for many months. Today was the first day I felt like I fully transitioned and I was able to handle the increase in weight.

Women who want to body build need to understand heavy weight has to be handled for growth and development or it is a waste of time. Why do I like compound moves? It gives me a great sense of accomplishment and visible bodily changes for growth and development.

This session focused on back, hamstrings, forearms and glutes. All weight is in pounds not kg.

Calves: 55# 100 reps each calf < 10 sec rest.

Dead lifts 10 sets

135# x 3 warmup x 2 sets

145 x 3 x 1 set

155 x 3 x 1 set

165 x 3 x 1 set

175 x 3 x 1 set

185 x 3 x 1 set

195 x 3 x 1 set

205 x 3 x 1 set

215 x 3 x 1 set

225 x 1 x set--- yippeee!!!

Hamstring curls superset with glute kickbacks

55# x 10

65 x 10

75 x 10

85 x 10 w/ help

glute kickbacks superset with hamstring curls back and forth with short rest in between

95 x 10

100 x 10

110 x 10

120 x 10

pullups wide grip x 5 x 3

pullups closed grip x 5 x 3

narrow grip pullups x 5 x 3

one arm rows superset with hammer cable curls

35# each arm, 45# each arm 1 set

50# each arm, 55# each arm 1 set

60# each arm, 65# each arm 1 set

70# each arm, 75# each arm this is last set but each set is superset with hammer curls

Hammer curls cable with rope.

55# x 10

60# x 10

65# x 10

70# x 10

Last exercise by now I was done.

Forearms 15# db

Wrist curls x 15 each arm x 4 sets sitting on the bench with wrist hanging over the bench.

This session was an adventure like I always get with Chris. He is constantly dialing up the weight and intensity of the training to keep me pumped and moving with little rest between sets. He does keep the compound moves slower with longer rest periods.

An hour later I left for Prescott to do a two day photo shoot with designer active wear and spring fashion. After the photo shoot I was able to catch some of the Christmas Parade in Prescott and lastly, the Court House Lighting Ceremony at dark. It was a beautiful display. The fun was Santa Claus caught me at the court house, he said "heard you were on a naughty list here is something for you". He handed me his card. What??? You are Santa Claus you fool--forget it! Some men just think they can put it all out there what a turn off!!

An arduous weekend--Happy Training Days

A Wicked Training Day

November 20, 2010

Today was one of the most challenging training sessions I have done. I was ready for it and even asked if we could do some defense work on the mats. I got more than expected.

Calves seated

90 x 100 x 1

Dead lifts

85 x 8 x 2 sets warm-up

135 x 8 x 2 sets

145 x 5 x 2 sets

155 x 5 x 1 set

165 x 5 x 1 set

175 x 5 x 1 set

185 x 5 x 1 set

195 x 3 x 2 sets

Seated hamstring curls

60 x 10

70 x 10

80 x 10

90 x 1o

superset 1:1 with glute kickbacks

90 x 10

100 x 10

110 x 10

130 x 10

Prone lying hamstring curls

60 x 10

70 x 10

80x 10

90 x 10

superset 1:1 with tricep pushdowns

70 x 10

80 x 10

90 x 10

100 x 10

One arm rows

45 x 10

50 x 10

60 x 10

65 x 10

superset with triceps db overhead kicks

15 x 10

20 x 8

20 x 8

20 x 8

Bent over rows

55 x 10

60 x 10

65 x 10

70 x 10

Superset with pull-ups wide grip x 5 x 4 sets own body weight

Forearm curls

15 db x 10 each hand separately x 4 sets

1 hour 30 min. session. I felt it from shoulders to toes. Off for one day now.

Happy training.

Wide Stance Squats

November 8, 2010
One of my favorite exercises are wide stance squats. This type of squat if performed correctly with the free bar and weight tightens the hamstrings, glutes and inner thighs. It is the best leg exercise because it can be performed in many different stance positions to target different muscle groups in the legs. To correctly perform it one must inhale as much air as possible and sit with weighted bar. The legs squat in same direction as toes outward and wide hitting heels then expel air coming up. The best way to do free squats is barefoot on a flat surface. Squats require strong core for balance; so the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles are strengthened to handle the load.

Sets for 1 hour:

Warm up with bar x 10 x1

95# x 8 x 4 sets

105 x 8 x 2 sets

115# x 8 x 1 set

125# x 8 x 1 set

135 x 8 x 1 set

145 x8 x 1 set.

These 10 sets took approximatlely 1 hour with short rest period in between.


90# x 100 then 6 sets of 15.

Happy training everyone!! It is the Holiday season stay focused on training and meal plan.

2011 Training Goals

November 7, 2010
At the close of the Western Regional Bodybuilding, Fitness, and Figure Show, I contemplated 2011 goals for training and competing. I must say I don't like Arizona NPC Shows as their judges are very biased in their decisions. I was not happy with their decision last night; however, we as competitors have to take the bad with the good, whether it is politically correct or not. I do know that Chris(my trainer) will want me to do the Arizona show as it is the largest show of the year.

Chris and I talked two weeks ago about transitioning training into compound moves for winter months to build glutes, vastus lateralis muslce group, hamstrings and lats. These parts are still lagging on me partly due to me leaving him for three years then returning. I must say when you have a good trainer don't let him or her go. The compound moves once acclimated will be heavy and slower than the high intensity training I am just transitioning from. We decided that cardio should only be two days a week for 30 minutes maximum to give my body time to grow.

I have decided to stay within ten pounds of contest weight and keep the bulk off this coming year. I proved to myself that I can lift just as heavy at 151 as opposed to 185.


1. Maintain weight within 10 pounds of contest weight.

2 Carb cycling with low carb days when not training and high carb days when lifting heavy.

3. Compound moves throughout winter till time to transition to high intensity interval training.

4. Keep cardio at 30 min. 2 days a week through winter months.

5 Plan for two back to back shows next summer if possible, if not then definitely the LA Classic July 24th, 2011.

All for now looking forward to 2011 and happy training~!

Contest Preparation Two Weeks Out.

October 23, 1010

I will start with posting the diet two weeks out of competition.

Meal One:

Protein shake 30gm

After meal one early morning cardio on the stair mill for 30 minutes.

Meal Two:

6 oz Ahi Tuna

1/2 cup rice

1 cup green vegetable brocolli or asparagus

Meal Three:

6 oz. Ahi Tuna

1 cup green vegetable brocolli or asparagus

Meal Four:

6 oz. Ahi Tuna

1/4 cup rice

Meal Five:

Protein shake 30gm

Weight train for 1 hour.

Meal Six :

6 oz Ahi Tuna

1 cup of green vegetable asparagus or brocolli.

At the end of the third week my eyes were opened drastically with bouts of hypoglycemia that were difficult to manage and still perform my role as a health care provider in a busy family practice. I found myself having trouble keeping up with the pace and thinking clearly which I could not allow to happen. In the best interest for my patients and practice I decided to let go the Western Regional Bodybuilding Fitness and Figure Show for now. It was a difficult decision after the hard training I had put in over months and of course with dieting. I have learned in the 15 year as a competitive bodybuilder there is always a next time.

I plan to compete in July 2011. Today, I planned the winter preparation with my trainers, who are the best in the State of Arizona. Craig Tinelle and Chris Thompson are very devoted trainers who strive to bring a person to their highest performance both mentally, physically and emotionally. They agreed with me to postpone competing at this time due to the heavy work load. In July, I plan to get coverage for my 3 week absence as it is impossible to work a busy job and training with dieting that strenuously.

All for now I will continue to post training blogs.

Competition Diet Four Weeks Out

October 10, 2010

At the beginning of the fourth week until The Western Regional Bodybuilding, Fitness, and Figure Show, my dietary regimen was changed to increase protein and decrease carbohydrates. At 146 pounds approximately 7.8-8%, the hamstrings and glutes are still the most difficult to present. This means I must get leaner.

Meal one:

Egg whites 6, white rice 1/2 cup, green vegetables 1 cup, 8 oz. water

Meal two:

Protein shake 30 gms., 1/2 cup fresh pineapple, 8 oz. water

Meal three:

Chicken breast 6 oz., white rice 1/4 cup, 8 oz. water

Meal four:

Ahi Tuna 6 oz., green vegetables 1 cup, 8 oz. water

Meal five:

Protein shake 30gms., 8 oz. water

Meal Six

Ahi Tuna 6 oz., green vegetables 1 cup, 8 oz. water

All food has to be cooked without any salt or butter. Mrs. Dash is the only seasoning I can use to flavor anything. Nothing else is allowed. I am allowed to have Crystal Lite or Vitamin Water Zero. Any other liquid is not allowed. Next Saturday at three weeks out from the competition my dietary regimen will change again.

Training is intense without any rest periods in the sessions. Supersets are utilized to target a specific muscle group using different exercises for that particular group. Split training is incorporated with early morning cardio for 30 minutes fasting five days a week.

All for now more next week.

Wide Stance Leg Press Session

September 10, 2010

The goal of today's workout was to focus on incorporating different muscles in the buttocks, glutes and hamstrings. A challenge of fast and slow twitch muscles being exhausted. After warmup and working weight established for each of us this is how the session proceeded.

Wide stand leg press feet postioned at top outer corners of sled toes pointed outward. When lowered knees bow out to sides so you have a frog position. All done with working weight and then a plate added to one side with each second set.

6 sets x 3 repeated. (3) workout partners so each person had the rest of 2 people between sets, fast was down then up, pause was down pause x 2-3 sec then up :

1. 8 fast 2 pause,

2.6 fast 4 pause,

3. 5 fast 5 pause,

4. 4 fast 6 pause,

5. 3 fast 7 pause,

6. 2 fast 8 pause.

After 3rd set for each person drop set starting at working weight 4-5-6 plates each side 10 reps, drop 1 plate and continue till failure.

Hamstring curl 9 sets working weight established.

3 regular sets all way down and up to buttocks x 10.

3 half sets from top to halfway and squeeze back to top trainer blocking full extension to halfway x 10.

3 half sets from bottom to halfway trainer blocking full flexion controlling weight up and down squeezing x 10

Hamstring curls were superset with glute kickbacks 10 reps each leg pin dropping 2 plates lower each time to last set failed.

A very challenging workout each of us felt like hamstrings and glutes were ripped off our bodies and barely able to walk !!

Creating Wide Lats

August 20, 2010

The hardest muscle in the body to develop is the Latismus dorsi. The Latismus dorsi is connected into the Rhomboid muscle group. Generally speaking the Latismus dorsi are the wings when flexed on stage gives the width with front and rear poses. Here are some exercises I have been working on to increase the width.


Wide grip x10, move to right small handle uneven grip x 10 now the same on the left handle which creates one lat. to stretch further than the other. This set is repeated x3.

Narrow grip with grips facing each other arch back and pull up allowing the scapula to open out creates the lat. to stretch up into axillary region. Narrow grips pulls x 8. This set is repeated x 3.

One arm rows.

Series of 2 different weighted dumbbells in sets of 1 each.

Here is what I do each arm.

35 x10, 45 x 10, 55 x 10, 65 x 8, 75 x 6, 85 x 6, 95 x 4, 100 x2.

At end of workout hang from the wide grip bars for as long as possible to stretch the lat. muscles

Freaky Dead Lifts

August 5, 2010

Freaky dead lifts inspired me to write about the creativity a trainer can think of to change a routine dead lift. This routine should be done by both men and women as it one that will build and define hamstrings and glutes. First, the routine dead lift is squatted and lifted off the floor using hamstrings and glutes to about waist height then the lower back kicks in to pop the bar the rest of the way up. Here is the routine.

8 Sets of dead lifts the last 4 are freaky.

Sets 1-3 are done with working weight reps of 10-12.

Freaky sets 4-8 are done with heavy weight to 8 reps*.

*Freaky technique is used by a trainer when the squat hits right below chair size more resistance is applied to the bar pushing down to make the person dead lifting work harder to squat it the rest of the way up before low back takes over. What does this do? I can tell you it feels like your glutes and hamstrings are going to explode under the added resistance. Once the dead lift gets above chair size the trainer takes the resistance off.

After the 8th set immediately go to lay down hamstring curls for 1 set of working weight x12 reps and 3 sets of heavy weight for 8 reps. Rest in between sets. Another freaky trick is have the trainer stop the feet 1/2 way from top and the person has to curl again to the top for another 10 reps really squeezing those glutes. The person will need assistance with these curls as fatigue is pretty strong. After 4th set do a drop set for another 12 reps.

Glute/Hamstring kickbacks with machine. One foot at a time with knee angled outward and then kick back heavy weight 8 reps for 4 sets each side squeezing glutes at top.

Last exercise is hamstring chair curl- 4 sets of heavy weight x 8 reps. Freaky trick trainer grabs foot bar about half way curled down and applies resistance so the person has to squeeze and pull harder with hamstrings. Last set is a drop set.

This routine with the freaky tricks will definitely fatigue an experienced weight lifter and leave you feeling like your glutes and hamstrings are ripped off your body. A real good feeling with the rip in the muscles for growth. If you did this routine right sweat should be pouring off leaving you feeling a little nauseated.

Training Routine for Glutes and Hamstrings

August 1, 2010
People have asked me how to define their glutes and hamstrings. The training is the same for both sexes; men it is low volume weighted exercise and women it is high volume weighted exercise. Bodybuilding books and the Internet offers a variety of exercises to tighten glutes and hamstrings which involve floor work bands or simple weighted straps for women and squats for men. In order to change these body parts it takes targeted weight training as described below. I do not recommend anyone to attempt this routine without a trainer unless they are an experienced weight lifter.


Dead lifts working weight 10 reps x3 , max weight 5 reps x3.

Stiff Leg Deadlifts working weight 15 reps x4.

Standing glute kickbacks w/ knee turned outward working weight 15 reps x4 super set with seated abductor machine working weight 10 reps x4

Leg Press wide stance feet at top of carriage pointed outward. Working weight 15 reps x 3 then max weight 10 reps x 4. This exercise must be done correctly with lowering the carriage as far down as it will go with knees outward.

Men can follow this routine by slowing down and allowing at least a 2 minute rest between exercises but women need to keep rest at 1 minute only due to higher requirement for fat burning and toning.